Isonzo Battlefields Great Journey (28-4-2018 / 5-5-2018) Are you interested in world history and do you like to experience this with other people? Or have you seen most in Belgium and France? With Isonzo Battlefields Travel you will visit a fairly unknown front, existing of beautiful locations in the mountains with many outdoor museums. The partially mountain- and hill areas will give you a very good image of the immensely proportions of this insane war. Isonzo Battlefields Travel is an independent travel adviser who composes travel packages for you to the Italian and Austrian-Hungarian front in times of the Great War along the Isonzo river. Are you going to join us at the next journey from 28th April until 5th May? There are places available. You will stay in…
Osmica Pri Krčarju (27-4-2018 / 6-5-2018) Pristnost Krasa, poštena cena, super vino, dobra hrana, zabava in prijazni ljudje! Vse to na naši osmici Pri Krčarju v Selah na Krasu. Vabljeni! Suhomesnate kraške dobrote (pršut, salama, zašinek, panceta ...) Mladi sir v oljčnem olju Jota Glavni krožnik: zelje, repa, krompir, prata, klobase in kožarice Kuhani štruklji Domač kruh iz krušne peči Doma pridelano odprto vino: teran in belo mešano Teranov liker in nekaj zeliščnih žganj Contact Suzana in Peter Sodnik t 05 30 80 442 m 040 723 363/353 Pri Krčarju Sela na Krasu 3 5296 Kostanjevica na Krasu
Kras Kros 2018 (11-3-2018) The AMKK team from Miren will also organize a sports event in the Gorizia Karst in the Municipality of Miren - Kostanjevica, the KRAS KROS TRAIL RUN and the KRAS KROS MTB "MARATON" . The date of the sixth performance of the Kras Kros MTB is 11.3.2018 . The Karst Trail Run Karst will be in February 2018. 6. KRAS KROS MTB GRANFONDO, March 11, 2018, a massive mountain bike-recreational event with a racing attraction over hardened forest roads, will be served with a slightly modified 41 kilometer track. The course will most likely be in the opposite direction than in previous versions! The starting - the target space remains in Mirn at Primary School. This year's event will also include the Deš Fleš Cycling Association and members of the Tourist Association Cerje . More in the month of November. Kras…
V letošnjem letu smo v eno združili dve večji prireditvi, ki jih organiziramo v Pliskovici. Osrednji dogodek Festivala kamna je državno tekmovanje mladih kamnosekov, predtekmovanje za udeležbo na evropskem tekmovanju Euroskills. Osrednji dogodek Dneva odprtih borjačev pa je predstavitev življenja in dela domačinov, pa tudi prijateljskih in bližnjih vasi. Prireditvi bosta potekali v soboto in nedeljo, 17. in 18. junija. Za združitev dogodkov smo se odločili, ker smo prepričani, da na ta način našim obiskovalcem ponudimo še več kot smo do sedaj lahko ponudili na posamezni prireditvi, saj se bosta prireditvi dopolnjevali in nadgrajevali. Poleg tekmovanja mladih kamnosekov in degustacij na odprtih borjačih, ki bodo letos odprti tudi v nedeljo, za vas pripravljamo še pester spremljevalni program; obrtniško tržnico, različne delavnice, predstavitve in prikaze, pohode, otroško animacijo, kulturne vsebine, sobotni zabavni večer, kulturni…
Introducing the 57th International Art Exhibition the 57th Exhibition will open to the public on Saturday 13 May 2017 the show is curated by Christine Macel The 57th International Art Exhibition, titled Viva Arte Viva, will open to the public from Saturday May 13th to Sunday November 26th, 2017 (Giardini and Arsenale) and will be curated by Christine Macel and organised by La Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The preview will take place on May 10th, 11th and 12th, the awards ceremony and inauguration will be held on Saturday, May 13th 2017. The Exhibition will also include 86 National Participations in the historic Pavilions at the Giardini, at the Arsenale and in the city centre of Venice. Three countries will be participating for the first time: Antigua and…
èStoria Because it's a story Bring the story to the center of the scene as a motive for dialogue and Gorizia as a meeting place: two visions that have found an opportunity to express themselves in a united and unique way through the International Festival of Gorizia History, born in 2005 under the name "La History in the Head ". The Festival has grown over the years along with its mission: to bring the broadest possible and composite audience to the big themes of historiography. Exciting results and beyond the expectations of the years are the result of a formula that alongside the rigor and the high esteem of historians, journalists, witnesses and international scholars the ability to divulge, to fascinate and engage even those who do not work Forty…
KARST PLATEAU Karst, also known as Karst plateau or Carsia, is a rocky limestone plateau that extends in the north-east of Italy, from the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Sea (in the province of Gorizia and Trieste) and that, through the western Slovenia and northern Istria, developes up to the Velebit Mountain in the far north-west of Croatia. According to the 1926 partition of the Alps, Karst it is considered part of the Alpine region and is seen as one of the 26 sections of the Alps. More Information: